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Hair loss affecting more women than ever

Female hair loss can be devastating to deal with, but I suppose there’s some small comfort in knowing that you aren’t alone in managing this challenge.  Some new reports are suggesting that up to 70% of women are coping with hair loss…

Jada Pinkett Smith on coping with hair loss

There’s no question that female hair loss is a deeply personal and emotional topic. That’s almost certainly why many of us will go to such extreme lengths to hide the hair loss — and find ways of making it stop. It thought…

The Magic of Harklinikken

Never heard of Harklinikken? You are certainly not alone. But it turns out this Danish company may offer some new hope in the treatment of women’s hair loss. Harklinikken’s product is similar to Rogaine in its use. It must be applied topically, but…

Foods to reduce hair loss

The idea of using food as medicine isn’t new, and the link between diet and many cases of hair loss is pretty clearly established. Increasing your intake of iron (red meats) and vitamins like B12 (shellfish) can make a real difference. Other…

Boosting hair growth

When it comes to managing thinning hair, it’s not just about slowing the hair loss — ways to boost hair growth are just as important. Many of the potential strategies for generating more hair growth are pretty common — options like Viviscal…

Hair loss and high salaries?

A recent study is suggesting that hair loss in women may be linked to higher incomes — and their resultant stress. The idea being, the more money the make, the more stressed you are — and the more likely you are to…

Hair loss around the world

While it can often feel like you are dealing with hairloss all on your own, the reality is women’s hair loss is increasing the world over.  An interesting feature from India identifies an increase in hair loss — as well as potential…

Donor cells for hair loss?

There aren’t a whole lot of good things about losing your hair — especially for women.  But the one plus we have now is all the new technology and options that are coming on track.  I mean, who’d ever even considered a…

Hair loss worse in winter

I’m not sure about other women, but I definitely notice that my hair loss worsens at certain times of year.  For me, November to the end of January is the worst time for hair loss.  Not sure if it’s because of the…

Hair loss linked to iron

More and more people are starting the realize the link between hair loss and low iron stores.Turns out, this link isn’t just for women — it can be true for men, too. This interesting article links thinning hair and iron deficiencies —…

Using food to slow hair loss

What we eat affects our hair more than we realize.  I often wonder about the prevalence of GMO foods lately and the seemingly sudden flood of people experiencing extreme hair loss. But that’s a topic for another day. Diet has long been…

Hair loss and other impacts of aging

Getting older isn’t easy — though I’m the first to admit it beats the alternative.  Which is not getting older — definitely not a good option. Our bodies change in many ways as we age, and most of them aren’t for the…

Hair Loss Freakout

A recent article on the Cosmo website is highly relatable if you are dealing with female hair loss.  Finding a clump of hair in the shower drain is enough to send the writer over the edge. And who can argue with that?…

Stress Linked To Hair Loss

A recent study is confirming what most of us know — stress and female hair loss go hand-in-hand. This is no surprise to most women who are coping with hair loss, sadly, but at least we know we are not alone! The…

Hair Loss Common in Women

Female hair loss is devastating, emotionally — and while you may feel like you are alone, you really aren’t. Experts suggest that up to 50% of women over the age of 50 are dealing with hair loss. It’s a common and emotionally…

You Are Not Alone

A few days ago, I stumbled upon a website that puts a very personal and compelling face on hair loss. On this site, a woman shares her story of dealing with hair loss, in addition to some photos of how she has…

Viviscal for Female Hair Loss

I’ve been using Viviscal to treat my hair loss for more than three months now, and my verdict is that it really works. Viviscal is getting great reviews from lots of women across the globe, and for good reason. My hair is…

Treatments for Female Hair Loss Video

Just watched a really excellent video with ideas for treating female hair loss. The clip features an interview with a well-informed dermatologist who talks about several different options, including the HairMax laser comb. Definitely worth checking out. You’ll see the video about…

Transplants To Treat Female Hair Loss

Perhaps I’m hopelessly out of date, but I’ve always thought of hair transplants as something that only men would pursue. I’m definitely changing my attitude, particularly after seeing some amazing “after” pictures of a woman using a transplant to treat hair loss.…
